What is Private Email?

Private Email (powered by Open-Xchange) is a cloud-based open-source collaboration software that meets all necessary email, calendar and contacts, tasks management and document storage needs.


Private Email Business packages will enable you to do such things as: create a public space in shared folders; set and control tasks; create and manage work schedules; monitor the availability of colleagues for participating in meetings/discussions; share data: control who has access to specific files etc.


Secure Webmail Anti-Spam Protection Collaboration tools
Easily secure your Private Email account with Two-Factor Authentication.


Advanced email protection based on our Jellyfish protection offering a powerful anti-spam filter and anti-virus system.


Includes features such as shared tasks, contacts, calendars, and files, useful for organizing and collaborating with your group or company.





Thus, Private Email is a great choice for organizations and optimization of teamwork.




How to use my emails?


Firstly, open your email through the online portal easily.

You can easily open your email by visiting the following link: https://privateemail.com.


Afterward, you will be prompted to enter your email address and password.






Secondly, link your email to your mobile phone.

Business emails are similar to regular emails and can be accessed through any email application.


The first method involves selecting an app for automatic configuration to set up your email:

– BlueMail app

– Spark app


The second method involves selecting an app with manual configuration to set up your email:

– Gmail app (recommended)

– iPhone’s Mail app

– or other similar applications.


Incoming mail server:  mail.privateemail.com (same for all accounts)

Incoming mail port: 993 (or 143 with STARTTLS)

Encryption method: SSL/TLS (or STARTTLS if 143 port is used)

Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA): should be unchecked

Outgoing mail server:  mail.privateemail.com (same for all accounts)

Outgoing mail port: 465 (or 587 with STARTTLS)

Encryption method: SSL/TLS (or STARTTLS if 587 port is used)

Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA): should be unchecked



Here is toturial how set up the email using Gmail App


Thirdly, connect your email to the Outlook program.